Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Playboy of the Western World free essay sample

The Playboy of the Western World gains its title from the scene in which Christy cant be beaten in play at any of the village sports, hence he becomes the playboy. The phrase of the Western World leads the way into Synges theme of Irish mythmaking, then still especially noticeable in unsophisticated peasant groups. With the inclusion of this phrase, the myth of the playboy encompasses the whole world. Mythmaking deviates from reality, as is made clear by the stretch of the title: Irish village game championship cant possibly trump an entire world of athletes. Synge isnt discussing a universal theme but rather exposing a particularly Irish theme, that of mythmaking. The play opened in January of 1907 at Yeatss Irish Literary Theatre to outraged indignation and riots but over the course of the twentieth century has gained ever greater currency among critics. Had Yeats not held a public debate on the concept of artistic freedom, The Playboy may have died an ignoble death. We will write a custom essay sample on Playboy of the Western World or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As it happens, though, the play has by later critics been called the most rich and copious store of character since Shakespeare’’ (P. P. Howe) and a play riotous with the quick rush of life, a tempest of the passions (Charles A. Bennett). These seem to be the reasons that The Playboy of the Western World has current appeal. Whereas original audiences cared about morality and decorous representations of peoples and countries, the increasing and ever increasing reach for realism, ethnic diversity and authentic representations has brought The Playboy into vogue because it was the avant garde and the precursor of what is presently valued and sought after: unveiled realism. Incidentally, one might argue that this unveiled realism, which is the idol of the present milieu, has been carried so far that realism is now a fancy in that it is a reality beyond reality and that it carries such clout that it is creating new reality (of questionable benefit) in its wake, which is a divergent reality from the realism that Synge depicted after living with, studying and capturing in three acts the cultural and psychological realities on the Aran Islands, from which he derived The Playboy of the Western World.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Cells Cell Essay Example

Cells Cell Essay Example Cells Cell Essay Cells Cell Essay Cells Cells Cell division and cancer Victoria Brothwell Strayer University Cells Introduction Regular cells and cancel cells are extremely different. Depending on the cancer that one may have cancer cells have more chromosomes that are scattered which is for why cancer cells are formed. In cell division all living things obtain cells in which come from other preexisting cells. If normal cells are do not divide and make new cells then cancer will occur. In order of all cells to be the same as a parent the mitosis in a must. Mitosis is the separation of copied chromosomes into single cells. The problem with unregulated cell division is that most of the time this will lead to cancer. Only when DNA replication as well as mitosis is working the correct way then cell cycle cell points are insured. Cells Methods Cell division occurs when cells are dividing in order to produce new cells. I have compared the differences between cancer and good cell division to find out the process of division of all cells, this is also when I found that there are different more complicated chromosomes in cancer cells. One of the main problems with cancer cells comparing is the chance of tumor formation which leads to the invasion of cancerous cells. Another consequence is the cancer spreading to other organs. A tumor consists of a mass of cancer cells in the tissue. Usually an evasive tumor is malignant, causing cells to develop in the blood. Tumors invade growth that the tissue and organs need to survive. InterphaseProphaseMetaphaseAnaphaseTelophasePercentage Of cells DividingPercentage Of cells at Rest Normal Lung1911%99% Cancerous Lung18112%98% Normal Stomach18112%98% Cancerous Stomach1421126%94% Normal Ovary18123%97% Cancerous Ovary1221238%92% 1. Based on your data and observations, what are some of the Differences between normal cells and cancer cells? With normal cells I have noticed that the chromosomes are more still that scattered, Cancer cells chromosomes are dividing and scattered a lot more. 2. Which type of cancer shows the most aggressive growth? Explain. I would have to say that cancerous ovary’s are more aggressive it has more scattered chromosomes being with the least still. 3. When studying cell division in tissue samples, scientists often calculate a mitotic index, which is the ratio of dividing cells to the total number of cells in the sample. Scientists often calculate the mitotic index to compare the growth rates of different types of tissue. Which type of tissue would have a higher mitotic index, normal tissue or cancerous tissue? Explain. Cancer cells you have more calculations with different cells in cancer. Cells Conclusion My conclusion is supported by my hypothesis even though I am talking more about tumor cancer I am explaining the difference about normal and cancerous cells. The differences is cells division is when they go according to plan they divide and create new cells and when they do not create new cells and divide it can cause cancer. The cancer cells have chromosomes scattered while normal cells have more still chromosomes that are dividing.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Facing the enigma of Californias Water Crisis Essay

Facing the enigma of Californias Water Crisis - Essay Example These include water conservation, recycling and ground water desalination. The San Francisco/Bay Area's agribusinesses, wildlife habitats, and fisheries are gravely endangered by state and federal agencies' plans to increase water diversions from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, rivers, and estuaries. Already, water exports are killing fish indigenous to the area and poisoning water quality in upstream rivers and the delta. Increasingly, these diversions will only add to the problem, while subsidizing corporate produce growers in the San Joaquin Valley and urban sprawl in Southern California. The planned diversion is unnecessary because there are possible solutions through conservation, water recycling, and ground water desalination. The growing demand for water, at a low cost, can be met without further imperiling Northern California's wildlife and water quality. Water use in California is very high due to a combination of factors. One, it being an agricultural state, and the other, is its population rate continues to rise rapidly. Keene's (2003) research finds that, "California's population is projected to increase by 600,000 every year." Water is a precious and limited resource. Yet there are few who are aware of this. We waste our water down the drain all the time. Since it is a public resource, we treat it as our property and not value it as much. California, like many other places, is well known to face problems related to power and oil. Yet what is much less known is the growing water crisis. As California's population keeps growing and new industries emerging, the demand for water and consumption also increases. So diversions were created in "the Bay-Delta Estuary, which includes the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, Suisun Marsh and the embayments upstream of the Golden Gate. The Delta and Suisun Marsh are located where California's two major river systems, the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, converge to flow westward through San Francisco Bay" (State Water Resource Control Board, 1998). California diverts more than half of the water that naturally flows through this ecosystem. The water was drained faster than the rain could refill it. As billions and billions of gallons were diverted, there appeared to be concerns about the quality and shortage of water. This idea of water diversions is not something new. "For 150 years, the Bay-Delta has suffered from human activity. Frequent pumping from the Bay-Delta has made it no longer function adequately as either a water supply or a healthy habitat for fish and other wildlife" (The Bay-Delta, 2004). So what are these diversions According to the hyper dictionary the word diversions have three different meanings. 1. The direction of water in a stream away from its natural course. 2. The draft of water from one channel to another 3. The interception of runoff by something which discharges it through unnatural channels In plain words these water diversions are man-made and unnatural. The Delta is an important part of California. Reviews of research on the Bay-Delta (2004) find, businesses from Sacramento to the Bay Area and all the way down to southern part of California in San Diego--all rely on the Bay-Delta water. Whatever the kind of industry--computer sciences, healthcare or construction--most need large volumes of